Melissa Weaver is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 20 years of experience in the mental health profession. Her professional work includes ongoing collaboration with a wide range of professional organizations and is known best for her work with those experiencing symptoms related to grief, anxiety, trauma, and panic. Melissa was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The diagnosis led her on a painful and inspiring journey where she would ultimately transform her life and connect with the things most important. Following her treatment, Melissa began volunteering at Here for the Girls Breast Cancer Organization. In 2019, Melissa was honored to professionally join the Here for the Girls Team where she combined her knowledge of grief and trauma with her passion to advocate for those facing a breast cancer diagnosis.
Melissa’s Recommended Resources
Here for the Girls
A nonprofit improving the lives of young women affected by breast cancer (diagnosed under age 51). They offer social-emotional support through services that provide personal connections and a shared experience among their members.
Coping with Cancer-Related Anxiety and Distress
Being diagnosed with cancer and going through intensive treatment is stressful. So, when treatment ends, family and friends are eager to celebrate. But many cancer survivors don’t feel like celebrating or don’t feel ready to move on with their lives.
Love, Medicine and Miracles
A book about lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon’s experience with exceptional patients.