Martha lives in Illinois and was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in January 2015. She has a husband and their three children ranged in age from 12 to 18 at her diagnosis. She is involved in patient support/outreach and with research advocacy, including two team projects presented at international cancer conferences. Martha is an accomplished author and believes there are really only two things that need to be said to someone with cancer: “I’m here” and “I love you.”
Martha’s Recommended Resources
MBC Alliance
Unify the efforts of MBC Alliance members to improve the lives of, and outcomes for, those living with metastatic breast cancer and their families through increasing awareness and education about the disease and advancing policy and strategic coordination of research funding – specifically focused on metastasis – that has the potential to extend life, enhance quality of life and ultimately… to cure.
Wellness House
In 1990, Wellness House opened with a single purpose: to better the lives of people living with cancer and the people close to them. Today, we offer a variety of programs and services — exercise classes, nutrition seminars, support groups and more — that complement the treatment from your doctors and specialists. It’s a whole-person approach to healing, and it’s offered at no cost to you.