Go Wire-Free
Our flagships product, MOLLI®, allows for an easier way to locate lesions during surgery and more precisely remove them. Our technology replaces traditional methods to mark tumors with one that is not only kinder — but more accurate while improving efficiencies of Radiology and Surgery departments by 34 – 41%.
Which wire-free option is right for you?
The following set of questions can help you decide which solution provides the best value while addressing the needs of your breast-conserving surgery program.*
*Porter, Michael E. “What is value in health care?” N Engl J Med 363.26 (2010): 2477-2481
What are some of the limitations of my existing workflows in both radiology and surgery?
What are the needs of my program?
How can I incorporate imaging innovations (i.e., MR) into my practice while still applying value-based principles?
Do I have ready access to a radiation safety program?
When procuring new technology how do I ensure compatibility with my operating room equipment and tools?
How confident am I the technology won’t stop working during surgery?
How quickly can I adopt the technology into my practice?
The Value of Wire-Free Localization
How does the value proposition for wire-free localization change depending on individual clinic priorities and functional service models? Let’s examine scenarios for two clinics transitioning from wire to wire-free localization.
The Ottawa Hospital focused on increasing radiology and surgery throughput
- Cost of $1,130 for wire, and $250 for radioactive seed, per localization.
- Up to nine additional localization procedures per day with radioactive seeds.
- One radiologist, one day a week with RSL localized the same number of cases as two radiologists, five days a week with wire.
Sunnybrook Hospital focused on improved patient satisfaction and flexible booking
- Cost of $185 for wire, and $238 for RSL, per localization.
- Annual operating costs of $49,835 for wire, and $80,803 for RSL.
- Increased patient satisfaction and flexibility in booking offset the increased budgetary impact.