Dora Sanchez

By June 13, 2024 July 15th, 2024 HOPE Wall, Invasive (Stage 1-3)
MOLLI® ‘Life is good after this procedure’ KLBK

In 2022 Dora Sanchez, from Plainview Texas, went for her annual exam where she also received a mammogram. That screening revealed that she had a cancerous tumor – Dora is the first woman in her family to receive a breast cancer diagnosis. 

Her doctors initially told her that she would need to have a full mastectomy, a surgery that removes the entire breast. Devastated, Dora decided to seek a second opinion from Dr. Rakshanda Rahman at UMC Cancer Center. 

Dr. Rahman was able to remove just the cancerous lesion and affected surrounding tissue using MOLLI Surgical’s localization technology and in doing so, was able to spare Dora’s breast. Thankfully, the surgery was a success and Dora is now cancer-free.

Dora feels like she was given a second chance. From here on out, she will not take any day for granted. Her advice to everyone is to get a mammogram because if she hadn’t gotten hers, she doesn’t know where she would be today. Now she can continue doing what she loves most, spending time with her kids and grandkids.