Kimberly C. Hutcherson, MD is a board-certified, fellowship-trained diagnostic breast radiologist with North Metropolitan Radiology Associates, LLP and the Medical Director of Breast Imaging and Intervention at Northside Hospital Gwinnett in Lawrenceville, GA and Northside Hospital Duluth in Duluth, GA.
Dr. Hutcherson not only diagnoses breast cancer, she is a breast cancer survivor. On February 23, 2007, she diagnosed herself with stage 1 invasive breast cancer. Dr. Hutcherson says “The perspective I gained from being a doctor who detects and diagnosis breast cancer and becoming a breast cancer patient allows me to have a unique perspective in the care of my patients. As a breast doctor and breast cancer survivor, I have dedicated my life and career to diagnosing breast cancer and empowering my patients and community with education so they may make an informed decision on their breast health care and breast cancer diagnosis”.
Dr. Hutcherson has presented several education conferences on breast imaging internationally, nationally, and locally, including the Uganda Christian Medical School, Society of Breast Imaging, ACCC 31st National Oncology Conference, Primary Care Grand Rounds to residents at Northside Hospital Gwinnett, and numerous community events in Gwinnett County. Dr. Hutcherson was featured as guest expert on the Lifetime Television show “The Balancing Act” and The Weekly Check-Up with Dr. Bruce Feinberg National Radio Show.
In February 2020, Dr. Hutcherson received the Physician Champion Award from Gwinnet Medical Center Foundation/Northside Hospital Gwinnett who recognizes exceptional physicians who specifically champion the fundraising efforts of the Foundation in support of the mission of the hospital – Paint Gwinnett Pink 5K Walk/Run is a celebration of survivorship, while raising awareness and funds for breast cancer programs at Northside Hospital Gwinnett.
Dr. Hutcherson’s Recommended Resources
Closing the Loop with a Post-Biopsy Breast Clinic
In early 2013, Dr. Hutcherson spear-headed a program at Northside Gwinnett Breast Center and Northside Duluth Breast Center to create a more comprehensive diagnostic care pathway to include more timely results to breast biopsy patients, streamlined access to treatment specialists, and improved processes and communication with referring physicians. The journey to our current patient-centered program was multifaceted and the culmination was closing the loop of care we provide to our breast biopsy patients with a Post-Biopsy Breast Clinic. The patient-centered program was published in the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) Journal and presented at their annual conference in 2015.
NCCN Patient Resources for Breast Cancer
NCCN patient resources are based on the same treatment information your doctors use and help you talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for your disease.
Society of Breast Imaging
Patient Resources: End The Confusion – Things to know about breast imaging