Jennifer Douglas is a writer and mother of two who was diagnosed with DCIS, an early-stage breast cancer, in 2019. After undergoing a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy, she is now cancer-free. During her diagnosis process, she read books written by women chronicling their breast cancer experiences. Inspired by their courage, she is working on her own book detailing her diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. She strongly encourages women to undergo annual mammograms beginning at age 40 and seeks to empower women with DCIS.
Jennifer’s Recommended Resources
Breast Cancer: Real Questions, Real Answers
This book is an outgrowth of Dr. David Chan’s more than 20 years in private oncology practice. Inspired by his patients—who courageously face their illness but often feel fearful, confused about their options, and full of questions—Dr. Chan’s book is uniquely structured as a Question and Answer between patient and doctor.
Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book
For more than two decades, readers faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer have relied on Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book to guide them through the frightening thicket of research and opinion to find the best options for their particular situations. This sixth edition explains advances in targeted treatments, hormonal therapies, safer chemotherapy, and immunologic approaches as well as new forms of surgery and radiation.
The Breast Cancer Survival Manual
The sixth edition of Breast Cancer Survival Manual provides essential updates on treatment and care, enhancing the basic information that has made this the most trusted guide for women diagnosed with breast cancer for the past two decades.